Donations to Schools (Reimbursements)

This is a preview of the Donation to Schools (Reimbursement) Application Form 2023-24 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Important Information

To be eligible to apply for reimbursement applicants must read and agree to the following eligibility criteria:

  • The applicant is a school located within the City of Cockburn.
  • Reimbursement is for one or more of the following:  
  1. Costs incurred for the supply and delivery of sand (excluding GST) for school use, up to a maximum of 6m3 per calendar year.
  2. The cost of one bus trip (excluding GST) per calendar year to transport students to the annual inter-school sports day.
  3. The cost of a maximum of 20 trees and shrubs (excluding GST) per calendar year up to a total value of $200.
  • Reimbursement of funds will be made once the applicant has provided a copy of the invoice and receipt/proof of payment.
  • Funds will be reimbursed by direct deposit into your nominated bank account.  

For assistance contact the Administration Support Officer (Community Services) on 08 9411 3444 or


I agree that I have read and meet the eligibility criteria * Required
If no, you are not eligible to apply for reimbursement.

Previous Funding

Has your school received grant funding or reimbursement from the City of Cockburn in the past 12 months? * Required
Please include dates and amounts.