CCTV Residential Rebate 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Pre-Eligibility Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Application Process



**To be eligible for the rebate, works must not have been undertaken prior to completing this form. All quotes must be valid from after the 1 July 2024.**


Step 1 – Read Terms and Conditions and Application Instructions
Please read over all the Terms and Conditions and all of the Application Instructions. This will ensure your application process goes smoothly and you get a quality CCTV system and your funding in a timely manner.

Step 2 Contact security installers and get some quotes
There are many security companies and installers that will be able to provide you with a quality CCTV system. Speak to them about options for your property, and how much you are able to spend. Make sure you let them know the minimum technical requirements as part of this program (refer to items 5 and 6 of the terms and conditions. The City recommends obtaining two or three quotes to keep prices competitive.

Step 3Complete the Pre-Eligibility Check form.

Application must include quotes

Step 4 – Confirmation Email - pre approval

If eligible, The City will send you an email confirming funding pre-approval.
This allocates funding to your project, so you can go ahead with your installation. The email will contain all the details for you to apply for your funding after installation and payment.


Step 5 – Install and pay for your CCTV system
Please have your CCTV system installed by your security installer. It is completely up to you
which installer you go with. Remember to get a copy of your proof of payment, and the technical specifications of your system.


FINAL APPLICATION FORM STEPS - (Separate form link will be emailed with pre-approval)

Step 6Complete and submit the final application form via the link provided in your pre-approval email.
Please complete all sections of the funding application form, and send it to the City within two months of your funding confirmation.
Remember to include all the required attachments:
• Proof of payment for your CCTV project (a paid invoice, receipt, bank transfer)
• A statement from your security installer that shows the technical specifications of your system
• A 5 second video clip from your CCTV system showing you standing approx. 10mtrs from the street facing camera
• Confirmation email from WA Police Force Cam-Map system
The CCTV system must be registered with the WA Police Force Cam-Map.


Step 7 – Funding
The City will review your funding application against the agreed Terms and Conditions. In the event the City requires more information an officer will contact you. Funds will be transferred electronically to the account nominated on the application form within 6 to 8 weeks.


If you have any questions in relation to this CCTV Rebate, please email