Small Events Sponsorship 2024-2025

This is a preview of the Small Events Sponsorship Application Form 2024-2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.


* indicates a required field.

Important Information

Before applying, please:

  • Preview the Application Form, so you can gather all information needed;
  • Contact the Community Development area on (08) 9411 3444 during business hours or email to determine your eligibility, ensure you are applying under the correct category, and to answer any questions.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The following sections MUST be completed by the Applicant Organisation. This page of the form is designed to help you, and us, understand if you are eligible for Small Event Sponsorship funding. It's crucial that you complete these questions before any others to ensure you do not waste your time applying for unsuitable funding.

Community Development Contact

Did you contact a City of Cockburn Community Development Officer to discuss your potential application? * Required
Method of contact * Required
Response required.

Eligibility Questions

Is your organisation a not-for-profit entity? * Required
If NO, you are not eligible for Small Events Sponsorship. Check here: is your organisation not-for-profit?
Is your organisation an incorporated legal entity OR are you being auspiced by an incorporated organisation? * Required
If YES, you must supply a copy of the organisation's Certificate of Incorporation (if you haven't previously done so). If NO, you are not eligible for Small Events Sponsorship. You may only apply for funding through an organisation or auspicing body that is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation. The auspicing body receives funding on behalf of the applicant organisation, and is ultimately responsible for ensuring the funded event is completed and the funding is acquitted.
Is your organisation based in the City of Cockburn OR primarily providing services in the City of Cockburn, AND looking to hold an event in Cockburn that will benefit the Cockburn community? * Required
Does your organisation have the capacity to undertake all the required planning, bookings, permits and approvals processes, marketing and promotion to ensure the success of your event? * Required
Does your organisation have appropriate insurance for this event? * Required
For example: volunteers, public liability.

If your organisation is a school, P&C or P&F association, you must satisfy the following additional criteria:

  • There is an identified community need for the event.
  • The event is accessible to the wider Cockburn community outside of school hours.
  • You are able to provide at least 50% or more either as an in-kind or financial contribution to the event.
If your organisation is a school, P&C or P&F association, can you satisfy all of the above additional criteria? * Required
If NO, you are not eligible for Small Events Sponsorship.

If you answered NO to any of the above eligibility questions, you may not be eligible for funding and should contact Community Development on (08) 9411 3444 before proceeding with this application.

Previous Funding

Has your organisation previously received funding from the City of Cockburn? * Required
If you have received funding in this financial year, contact Community Development on (08) 9411 3444 to confirm your eligibility before proceeding with this application.
Please include approximate date, category of funding, project title and amount.
Does your organisation have any outstanding City of Cockburn acquittal reports? * Required
Applicants that have been successful previously are eligible to apply provided all previous funding has been satisfactorily acquitted. Acquitted means you have provided a detailed report of how the funding was used, including providing receipts and evidence such as photos or media, using the appropriate Acquittal Form.